Friday, May 14, 2010

who am i..???

peeps..! last post for today...
about me :)

1.well simple and basics things about me :) and what i want and what i need ! for sure i am a girl with black hair, 15 years old going to be 16 years old, brown eyes as u can see , 165cm --> 5"5'( my boyfriend said so ), for sure i dont have a dick even though u force me to have one i dont want cause im a girl -.-' , ok i'm talking nonsense now ;(
so lets hit it, ohh yeah i like to play with water at my bathroom SOMETIMES

emhhh pretty much same but my hair is short not so short o.o'

2.when i was 13 or 14 years old i really2 wanna be a vampire or u can say i want to be immortal stay young forever :P

sorry but i dont want to remember my childhood pretty sad :|

3. i want some happiness well everybody want some happiness every body love happiness and we know that :) right...??
so of course i want happiness also dude im a human also!

i love this quote :)

4. i want to make something different with my own style! something really different from everybody but not weird :)

5. i want to make tattoo ---> poseidon logo just like logan :P (freak)

6. i want to have a wings! :0 if u ask why..?
a. i really wanna fly
b. if i can fly i want to fly to my bf place :)
c. i love wings

7. i want to be with him forever :) until i die! ( too dramatic) lol!

8. i really want to have my OWN house with HIM ! i want to have a really really really BIG HOUSE :) AMEN

KOOL HUH...?? super duper big house :) just for me and him :)

ok till here people
thats all what i want from :)


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