Tuesday, May 18, 2010

no one knows u! - mystery!

YO MY BABES :) , i'm back to the zone again, having a little fight with guy name "GLENN" such a dork! and he is so fucking naive i mean he know that he started all the fuss and now his fucking blame me, such a pussy! but typical boys -.-' why they do that..? i mean why u dont want to admit it that u start all the fuss with ur fucking school mates as i know they are BIATCH AND GIGOLO u fucking asshole! i dont want to say bad words @ my blogs -.-' but i really want to express my feeling about all this shit! OK ENOUGH OF ALL THIS SHIT! i dont wanna talk about him actually! so forget it!
lately i feel so lonely at home! michelle ask me out but i cant go out till i know if i pass or failed (global) ..! so, sorry michelle :( this is my future for now!
i'm such a lonely girl :(
this is a quick post! dont wanna talk much! i'm waiting for him right now ;(


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