Sunday, May 30, 2010

i can hear ur heart beating fast :)

long time no post !!! i wanna talk to something different -.-' but i dont know what!!

ok! kita bicarakan tentang sehari2 aku aja..!

1. yesterday (sunday) : acing baru pulang dari malaysia setelah 6 months :/ !! his hair looks weird -.-'' and he showed me , amelia, and kak tika, few magic tricks :) kool!! <3 style="text-align: center;">

oh chatting with michelle now :) dia mau pindah!! :'( i miss her so much!

my life colour are black and white and then someone came to me and make half of my life colour full :)

both of this "i miss u" pics untuk smua tman2 ku yang mau pindah!!

good bye my friends :(

ok til here people




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