Sunday, April 18, 2010

rock ur body!

quick post..
actually i'm not in the mood to post something here...
but i need u to help me i'm bored so here FORMSPRING.ME/BRIGETTEIBRAHIM (click it) :)
and ask me a q..!! okeyh guys..??? and i'm going to answer ur q..! btw.. ijust bought 4 books in english..! math in english and 3 english textbook..! which i have to finish it.. i have to read it.. i have to understand it.. before the global test which only left 8 days start from today.. i'm going have the test at 26 april..! wish me luck guys..
:'( i hope i accepted there..! please god give me a chance to out from indonesia i want to go to australia..! please... amen..
btw i gtg now..!
KINDA BUSY HERE.. and now the keyboard error..! ;/
ok gtg C YA PEEPS!!!


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