Friday, April 23, 2010

beautiful girls all over the world!

seriously people!!!
i wanna die :( i had enough of her craps! she don't know anything about me so why don't u shut the fuck up!!! u torching me , u say bitch words, u say fuck words, u say shit words, OF COURSE U SAY CRAP WORDS!!! damn u..!!
i hope i'm dead right now!

well that quite scary!! ok i dont mean it to say "I WANNA DIE!! BECAUSE OF YOU"

ok peeps now we're going to talk about drunk! seriously i really wanna try to get drunk :)

he is totally drunk ;O

i wanna get drunk but i dont wanna get naked!!

ok now we're talking about gay and lesbian! which one u like..? gay or lesbian..?? i more prefer gay than lesbian i think so! ;/

cute and hot but gay :(

BTW how about bisexual ..????

ok enough for now people :)


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