Tuesday, April 27, 2010

heaven help us!

today!! Cambridge test aqt global!!
oh my goddddd! so damn difficult! i cant do the math and science even the english is so damn hard! please pray for me guys!!! i hope i accepted at global at taking cambridge progggrrrraaaammmmee...!
:( please
btw i'm having a fight with my mom but we're kool now :)
i just know that half of my mom blood has blueblood! (keturunan bangsawan orang terkenal)
my mom name indina putri fajar! that name make by bung karno or u can say ir.soekarno originally make by him!! and i'm proud of my mom! i dont wanna to tell much about it! :) just trying to keep it secret also! :)

this secrets is :

so keep it shut!!

ok quick post here :)


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